People vs Robots?

Reading various articles from CES and reviews on the Rise of the Robots, I asked a former colleague in the tech space whether he thought it feasible that robots would replace people in knowledge and service-related roles. In short, would robots take over from people?

What powers an organization – is it the policies, the processes, the efficiency of the plant, the superiority of the technology and systems? Whilst all of these are enablers of success, the driving force behind any organization is the people.

What funds or empowers an organization – whether the organization is a corporate, a law-maker or regulatory body, an educational institution or an NGO? Ultimately people, or other organizations, backed by people.

What powers an economy? Organizations and people making and spending money.

People are behind the organizations; they are the decision makers. People possess the capacity to develop and use great intelligence, and great emotional intelligence.

It’s always about the people.


By the way, the colleague said no.