Take the time to learn to fly higher
Leadership workshops offer leaders an environment in which they can open up to new learnings in an engaging, experiential and interactive manner. To facilitate learning, we incorporate lots of scenarios and role plays to enable practical application of skills and learnings. Leadership workshops are of two types: workshops with a focus on a specific behavioural area or workshops that are customized to address specific requirements of a leadership team. We work with the organization to tailor the content of all our workshops to ensure optimal relevance and learning. In line with your requirements, we can perform diagnostics and psychometrics, including 360 surveys, in preparation for workshops and interventions.
Workshops specifically focussed on leadership development and behaviour are:
Stepping Up: Moving to a Leadership Role
For leaders in the organization moving into a senior role
- Role expectations
- Core strengths and values
- My authentic leadership brand
- Common leadership pitfalls
- Identifying the Delta: Where am I now and where do I need to get to?
- Behavioural requirements & needs assessment
- Action Plan for Success
Stepping Up: Moving to a Management Role
For independent contributors in an organization moving into their first management role
- Core strengths and values
- Role of management
- Challenges of moving into a management role
- Effective management behaviours
- Building an effective team
- Developing my effective management style
- Action plan for success
Collaboration for Leaders: Creating a Whole Greater than the Sum of the Parts
For leaders operating in complex structures, collaboration is essential to organizational success. This workshops incorporates exercises and case studies to raise awareness of the challenges in collaborating successfully and uncovers approaches for successful collaboration.
- The need for collaboration
- My collaboration comfort zone
- Common barriers to successful collaboration
- Building respect and defining shared goals
- Identifying individual roles in the collaboration process
- The role of networking in collaboration
- Techniques for ensuring sustainable effective collaboration
Conflict Management for Leaders
Leaders face conflicts on a regular basis, so an ability to handle conflict effectively is essential for the organization. In this workshop leaders gain insight into the factors at work in conflict situations and how their leadership skills can be used to manage a conflict situation among stakeholders.
- Perspectives on conflict
- The role of ego in conflict
- Communication strategies for handling conflict
- Pre-empting conflict
- My conflict toolkit and action plan
Communication for Leaders: How to Inspire & Empower your Organization
Leaders are the people we want to follow. Whilst leaders inspire their teams through their vision and their actions, their communication skills play a large role in enabling them to understand their stakeholders and engage with them effectively. In this workshop, leaders learn to build on their communication strengths to be impactful and authentic in their communications.
- My communication strengths
- Critical communication skills
- Communication challenges
- Situational communication - varying communication styles for the culture, mood and moment
- My communication toolkit and action plan
Change Management for Leaders
As the saying goes, the only constant is change. What are the forces or factors that engender a resistance to change and how can leaders most effectively lead through a time of change. Leaders participate in analysis, exercises, debate and action planning to appreciate how best to manage change.
- The need for change - prediction and reaction
- The fear factors
- Team engagement during periods of change
- The role of the leader
- The change process
- Measuring success
Effective Team Dynamics: Building Strong Teams for Organizational Gain
How can we build strong, high performing teams - and how long does it take to do this? This workshop is designed for teams that are embarking on a new challenge together or for teams who want to improve how they perform. There is a mixture of self-reflection, partnership work and joint exercises to gain understanding of important ingredients for effective teams.
- Fundamentals for successful teams
- Team objectives
- The team lifecycle
- Positive Individual contributions
- The roles people play: Task-oriented, social & dysfunctional
- Improving dynamics & performance
Coaching for Leaders: Engendering an Empowered Team
This workshop provides leaders with an insight into the power of coaching and shares techniques and frameworks for adopting a coaching approach as a leader.
- The role of positivity in coaching
- Coaching, mentoring and consulting
- How to coach
- When to employ a coaching approach
- Setting goals and measuring outcomes
Global Leadership Development: Leading Multi-Cultural Teams
This workshop supports leaders in organizations with a multi-national focus and with multi-national teams and partners. It provides insight into cultural norms and helps leaders cultivate alternate approaches to their default approach.
- Cultural sensitivity
- Developing cultural awareness and appreciation
- Leveraging cross-cultural diversity
- Flexible leadership for diverse teams
Succession Management – Preparation for Advancement
For sustained growth, organizational leaders are planning for succession from within. This programme showcases our approach for effective succession planning. We work with the leadership team to identify the roles and succession preparation required for each role. We then support the succession planning through the provision of leadership workshops and coaching.
- Recognizing emerging leaders from within
- Identifying skills and skill gaps
- Behavioural skills enhancement
- Coaching for successful succession
We also provide workshops tailored to the needs of leadership teams, which are outlined below and covered in the Excellent Teams section.
Collaboration for Leadership Teams: Creating a Whole Greater than the Sum of the Parts
For new teams and teams looking to improve effectiveness and results, where the goal is frequently pan-organizational, bringing together peers from across the organization.
- The need for collaboration
- My collaboration comfort zone
- Common barriers to successful collaboration
- Building respect and defining shared goals
- Identifying individual roles in the collaboration process
- Techniques for ensuring sustainable effective collaboration
Effective Team Dynamics: Building Strong Teams for Organizational Gain
For teams with strong individual contributors seeking to create a high-performing team that recognizes and draws on the key talents of every team member. Participants gain insight into group dynamics and tools for managing effective group participation..
- Fundamentals for successful teams
- Team objectives
- The team lifecycle
- Positive individual contributions
- The roles people play: Task-oriented, social & dysfunctional
- Improving dynamics & performance
Boardroom Dynamics: Developing a High Performance Board
Boardrooms unite leaders from diverse backgrounds, expertise, experience and exposure. Ensuring the board performs effectively is the duty of all Board members. Boards benefit from this session, which allows them to assess their current contribution and determine how best to use and develop their skills to enhance the performance of the Board.
- Environmental analysis
- The role & responsibilities of the board
- Values, vision & mission – objectives & policies
- Skills assessment
- Board management
- Rules for effective boards
- Non-functional roles
- Why boards derail
- Performance measurement